Participant Profile

100KM Challenge Participant
Team Member of Healthcare Family Trail Trekkers


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By JackMyo
raised from 49 donors
177% of $60.00
By Healthcare Family Trail Trekkers (Team)
raised from 270 donors
186% of $13,354.00
Luminaria Dedication



donated $0.99

Zin Mar Than

donated $0.42


donated $1.68

Guo Siqi

donated $0.42

Thank you for supporting such a meaning clause!

donated $1.68

Great job in organising and displaying the fighting spirit that our cancer patients should have!
C Che

donated $0.42

Together we can do so much
Shawn Yew

donated $0.84

Big thank you for helping to raise funds for the patients who needs our help!
Stephanie Tay

donated $1.68

Kudos to the team for all the hard work! Well done!
Sabina Teo

donated $0.50

Chua Swee Boon Raymond

donated $4.94

Big thanks to the organising team for the meticulous planning and organisation of the overnight event, and to all runners for the awesome job in completing one hundred and seventy nine laps! Kudos for doing this to raise funds and making a meaningful impact to the cancer patients and their loved ones!
Colin Lim

donated $0.67


donated $1.91

Dear treckkers, as you lace up your shoes and set your sights on the finish line, every step you take is a stride towards a greater cause. Your dedication is not just inspiring, it is making a tangible difference in the lives of those who need it most. So run with pride, knowing that your efforts are contributing to a healthier, happier world. We believe in you, and we are here cheering you on, every step of the way!
Keane Esmond Chooi

donated $8.40

Your loved ones are right behind you.... Don't give up. Fight on!!!

donated $1.68

Thank you all participants for doing this!
Chua Hiang Noi

donated $0.42

Thank you Pamela.
Tan Thiam Hwee

donated $0.42

Thanks Pam for doing this!

donated $0.42

Live Strong!
Qiuyi Yap

donated $0.84

Dap C

donated $0.42

Thank you to Pamela and her team for participating in this meaningful cause. Your involvement will greatly benefit cancer patients and make a lasting impact. Jia You!!
Jason Wong

donated $0.84

Every step you take brings hope and support to those fighting against cancer. Your dedication and compassion shine brightly, inspiring others to join in the fight against this disease. Together, we can make a difference and bring comfort to those in need.

donated $1.68

Keep the fire burning!

donated $0.08

Go team HPD! You have our support!

donated $0.42

Jia you!
Elaine Ho

donated $0.42

Thanks and bless you Pamela and team for doing this meaningful event!

donated $0.84

Amanda Tan

donated $4.20

Thank you for doing this!

donated $0.84


donated $0.84

Jia you!!

donated $0.16

Go team MOH!
Pamela Tan

donated $4.20

I have just lost my favourite aunt to bile duct cancer in March 2024, still grieving over her passing. If you are a cancer patient, do not give up just yet, your family and loved ones are still fighting for you. You need to fight and learn to take care by eating and resting well, fight for them, for yourself. You will get well again.
Ronnie Seah

donated $0.84

You are stronger than you know, braver than you believe, and loved more than you can imagine. Every step of your journey is a testament to your incredible resilience. Keep fighting, keep believing, and know that you are not alone. We're here with you every step of the way.
Ng Gek Eng

donated $1.68

Stay strong, have faith!

donated $0.42

Go for it! Thank you.

donated $42.13


donated $0.92


donated $0.56

All the best!

donated $0.47

Cheering for the team! All the best!

donated $0.95

All the best in completing the 100km challenge! Thank you for supporting this worthy cause!

donated $0.48

Be positive ! Stay strong !
Sharon Ang

donated $1.92

Dear Raymond and team, thank you for doing your part to support those battling cancer. Have a satisfying run!

donated $1.03

Jiayou Jamie !

donated $0.20

Well done! Thanks for your dedication and perseverance!

donated $1.03


donated $2.12

Have a good run.

donated $2.19


donated $0.55

Jia you!

donated $0.88

Edmund Loy

donated $3.34

Strength in Unity, Courage in Community
Dawn Lee

donated $1.23

Kudos Healthcare Team! Jia you! Will be rooting for you guys!

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